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City of Angels Master Agreement

The City of Angels Master Agreement: Understanding Its Significance

The City of Angels Master Agreement is one of the most significant agreements being implemented in Los Angeles. This agreement outlines a multitude of programs that are designed to serve the community by investing in infrastructure and creating job opportunities. In this article, we will explore the details of the City of Angels Master Agreement and its importance in the city`s development.


The City of Angels Master Agreement is a partnership between the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 18. This agreement was signed in 2016 and established several programs designed to support the community and create job opportunities.

One of the key objectives of the agreement is to enable the LADWP to invest in its infrastructure by modernizing the electrical grid, retrofitting the water system, and improving customer services. The agreement is designed to promote the employment of local workers, encourage workforce diversity, and provide a pathway for individuals to join the IBEW.


One of the most notable programs established under the City of Angels Master Agreement is the Utility Pre-Craft Trainee (UPCT) program. The UPCT program provides a five-year apprenticeship for individuals seeking to join the IBEW and work in the LADWP. Upon completing the program, graduates become journey-level electricians, operators, or mechanic technicians.

Another program under the City of Angels Master Agreement is the Utility Worker Program (UWP). This program is for individuals who are interested in working for the LADWP but are not seeking a career in the IBEW. The program provides training in the field of utility work and offers graduates a path to permanent employment within the department.

Another significant program under the agreement is the Community Engagement Program. This program provides funding for nonprofits that serve the community, such as youth development organizations and local schools. The program also provides assistance to low-income households, including bill assistance and weatherization.


The City of Angels Master Agreement is a critical component of Los Angeles` development plan. The agreement is designed to promote the employment of local workers, provide a specialized education to increase job readiness, and help stimulate local economic activity. The investment in infrastructure and increased employment opportunities deliver an array of benefits for the community.

For the LADWP, the agreement empowers the department to invest in the modernization of the electrical grid and water system, improving the reliability and resilience of the city`s infrastructure. As the community evolves and continues to grow, so does the demand for electricity and water. The City of Angels Master Agreement is an important step towards ensuring that the department can deliver reliable and sustainable services to Los Angeles residents.


In conclusion, the City of Angels Master Agreement is an essential agreement that benefits both the community and the LADWP. The agreement provides a range of vital programs, from training opportunities to infrastructure investment, with the ultimate goal of improving the community`s quality of life. With its focus on job creation, diversity, and community engagement, the City of Angels Master Agreement sets a high standard for future development in Los Angeles.

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