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Tolling Agreement Energy Definition

In the energy industry, tolling agreements are becoming increasingly popular as a means of power generation. Essentially, a tolling agreement is a contract between two parties, where one party (the toller) provides the other party (the tolling customer) with the energy produced by a power plant. The toller owns the power plant and provides the tolling customer with energy at a pre-determined price for a set period of time.

The tolling customer, in turn, agrees to pay the toller for the energy produced by the power plant on a per-megawatt-hour basis. This means that the tolling customer doesn`t actually own the power plant but is only paying for the power that is generated by it.

The main benefit of a tolling agreement is that it allows a company to secure energy supplies without having to invest in the expensive infrastructure that is required to build a power plant. This means that the tolling customer can focus on their core business while still having a reliable source of energy.

Another advantage of a tolling agreement is that it can help to mitigate risks associated with power generation. The tolling customer is protected from fluctuations in energy prices and is able to budget accordingly, as the tolling agreement ensures a fixed price for the duration of the agreement.

There are also benefits for the toller, who is able to utilize the power plant`s capacity and generate revenue by selling energy to the tolling customer. Additionally, the toller is able to amortize the costs of building the power plant over a longer period of time, which can help to increase profitability.

It is important to note that tolling agreements are not without risks. For example, the tolling customer may be exposed to risks associated with the power plant`s performance, while the toller may be exposed to risks associated with fluctuations in energy prices.

In conclusion, tolling agreements are an important aspect of the energy industry and provide a cost-effective way for companies to secure a reliable source of energy. By understanding the benefits and risks associated with tolling agreements, companies can make informed decisions about whether or not to enter into such agreements and can protect themselves from potential risks.

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