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Zim 2M Agreement

The Zim 2M agreement refers to a partnership between two shipping companies: Israeli-based Zim Integrated Shipping Services and Denmark’s Maersk Line. The partnership, also known as an alliance, was formed in 2015 and has since been renewed twice, with the latest renewal being in 2019.

The Zim 2M agreement is significant in the shipping industry as it allows the two companies to pool their resources and share vessels, which helps to reduce costs and increase efficiency. As a result, the partnership has allowed both Zim and Maersk to expand their global network and offer more frequent and reliable services to their customers.

Under the agreement, Zim and Maersk jointly operate on certain trade routes, including those between Asia and the East Coast of North America. The partnership also involves sharing vessel space, which allows for the optimization of cargo and ensures that vessels are fully utilized.

The Zim 2M agreement has been successful in increasing the market share of both companies. In 2019, Maersk reported a 2.5% increase in container volumes and a 4.2% increase in revenue, while Zim reported a 3.6% increase in container volumes and a 7.6% increase in revenue.

However, the partnership has not been without controversy. In 2017, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) launched an investigation into the Zim 2M agreement over concerns that it could violate antitrust laws. The FMC eventually approved the partnership, but required that the two companies provide regular reports on their operations to ensure compliance with competition rules.

In conclusion, the Zim 2M agreement is a significant partnership between two shipping giants that has helped to increase efficiency and reduce costs in the shipping industry. While it has faced some controversy, the partnership has ultimately been successful in expanding the global network of both Zim and Maersk.

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