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Argyle Diamond Mine Agreement

The Argyle diamond mine agreement has been one of the most talked-about deals in the diamond industry recently. The agreement, which involves the sale of the Argyle diamond mine in Western Australia, has attracted a lot of attention from stakeholders in the industry. The mine, which is famous for producing some of the world`s most valuable pink diamonds, is expected to fetch a high price in the deal.

The Argyle diamond mine agreement involves a joint venture between Rio Tinto, the current owner of the mine, and a consortium of diamond industry players led by AGD Diamonds. The consortium includes Chinese diamond company HB Group, New York-based diamond company Lazare Kaplan, and Belgian diamond company Diarough.

The sale of the Argyle diamond mine is significant for several reasons. First, the mine is expected to produce its last gems by the end of 2020. This means that the new owners will have access to some of the world`s rarest diamonds, including the coveted pink diamonds, for a limited time. Second, the sale of the mine is expected to fetch a high price, which could have an impact on the price of diamonds worldwide.

The joint venture partners are expected to finalize the Argyle diamond mine agreement by the end of 2020. Rio Tinto, which has owned the mine since 1983, is expected to receive a significant sum in exchange for the sale. The consortium, on the other hand, will gain access to one of the most valuable diamond mines in the world.

The Argyle diamond mine agreement will also have an impact on the diamond industry as a whole. The sale of the mine could drive up the prices of diamonds globally, especially the pink diamonds which are expected to become rarer after the mine closes. The agreement could also have an impact on the diamond trade between China and the United States, as both HB Group and Lazare Kaplan have significant ties to those markets.

In conclusion, the Argyle diamond mine agreement is a significant development in the diamond industry. The sale of the Argyle mine, which is expected to fetch a high price, could have a major impact on the price of diamonds globally. It will be interesting to see how the joint venture partners will collaborate to ensure the successful transfer of ownership and consolidation of the deal. The agreement is set to provide significant benefits to all parties involved and to the industry as a whole, and its outcome is eagerly anticipated.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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