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Bendigo Health Enterprise Agreement

Bendigo Health Enterprise Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Bendigo Health Enterprise Agreement is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for workers at Bendigo Health, the largest healthcare provider in the Loddon Mallee region of Victoria, Australia. The agreement, which was last updated in 2020, covers a wide range of issues, from salaries and benefits to leave entitlements and workplace health and safety.

One of the key goals of the enterprise agreement is to ensure that Bendigo Health can attract and retain a skilled and motivated workforce. To this end, the agreement includes provisions for competitive salaries, professional development opportunities, and flexible working arrangements. It also outlines a clear system for resolving disputes between management and employees, which helps to maintain a positive and productive working environment.

So, what are some of the key features of the Bendigo Health Enterprise Agreement? Let`s take a closer look.

Salaries and Benefits

Under the agreement, employees at Bendigo Health receive a range of benefits, including access to salary packaging, leave loading, and paid parental leave. The agreement also includes provisions for regular salary increases, which are based on performance and take into account the rising cost of living.

Professional Development

To ensure that employees have the skills and knowledge they need to provide high-quality care, the enterprise agreement includes provisions for ongoing professional development. This includes access to training programs, study leave, and support for further education and training.

Flexible Working Arrangements

The agreement recognizes that employees have diverse needs and obligations outside of work, and includes provisions for flexible working arrangements. This can include options such as job sharing, part-time work, and working from home.

Dispute Resolution

To maintain a positive and productive working environment, the enterprise agreement includes a clear system for resolving disputes between management and employees. This includes mechanisms for negotiation and mediation, as well as the option to escalate a dispute to an external body if necessary.

In conclusion, the Bendigo Health Enterprise Agreement plays a crucial role in ensuring that Bendigo Health can attract and retain a skilled and motivated workforce, while also providing high-quality care to the community. From salaries and benefits to professional development and flexible working arrangements, the agreement covers a wide range of issues that are important to both employees and management. If you`re a worker at Bendigo Health, it`s important to familiarize yourself with the details of the enterprise agreement to ensure that you`re getting the most out of your employment.

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