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Example of Agreement of Sale for a Car

Example of Agreement of Sale for a Car: What You Need to Know

Buying or selling a car is a significant transaction that requires careful consideration and documentation. One essential document you need to prepare is the Agreement of Sale, which serves as proof that both parties agreed on the terms and conditions of the transaction.

If you`re not familiar with the Agreement of Sale, don`t worry. In this article, we`ll discuss what it is, why it`s important, and provide an example of what it should look like.

What is an Agreement of Sale?

An Agreement of Sale, also known as a Sales Contract, is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a transaction between a buyer and seller. It details the purchase price, payment terms, delivery date, and other relevant provisions to protect both parties` interests.

Why is an Agreement of Sale Important?

An Agreement of Sale provides legal protection for both the buyer and seller in the event of a dispute. It also ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding the transaction`s terms and conditions, which helps prevent misunderstandings and potential conflicts.

What Should an Agreement of Sale for a Car Include?

An Agreement of Sale for a Car should include the following information:

1. Buyer and Seller Information – Full names, addresses, and contact information of both the buyer and seller.

2. Vehicle Information – Year, make, model, VIN, and any other relevant details about the car being sold.

3. Purchase Price – The agreed-upon purchase price, including any taxes, fees, or other charges.

4. Payment Terms – How much is being paid upfront, how much is being financed, and the terms of the financing agreement, if applicable.

5. Delivery Date – When the car will be delivered to the buyer.

6. Warranties – Any warranties or guarantees provided by the seller.

7. Condition of the Vehicle – The condition of the car being sold, including any defects or damages, as well as any required repairs or modifications.

8. Signatures – Signatures of both the buyer and seller, as well as the date the agreement was signed.

Example of an Agreement of Sale for a Car

Below is an example of what an Agreement of Sale for a Car could look like:


This Agreement of Sale (“Agreement”) is made and entered into on 2024 by and between [Seller Name], with an address of [Seller Address], (“Seller”), and [Buyer Name], with an address of [Buyer Address], (“Buyer”).

WHEREAS, Seller agrees to sell to Buyer and Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller the following vehicle:

Vehicle Make:

Vehicle Model:

Vehicle Year:

VIN Number:

The parties agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Purchase Price. The purchase price of the vehicle is [Price] dollars.

2. Payment. Buyer shall pay [Amount] dollars to Seller on the date of this Agreement, and the remaining balance of [Balance] dollars shall be paid on or before [Date].

3. Delivery. Seller shall deliver the vehicle to Buyer on or before [Date] at [Delivery Address].

4. Warranties. Seller provides no warranties or guarantees except for the following: [Warranty/Guarantee].

5. Condition of Vehicle. The vehicle is being sold “as-is,” and Seller makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the vehicle. Buyer acknowledges that they have conducted a thorough inspection of the vehicle and accept its condition.

6. Signatures. The parties have executed this Agreement on the date first written above.

Seller`s Signature:

Seller`s Printed Name:

Buyer`s Signature:

Buyer`s Printed Name:


Preparing an Agreement of Sale for a Car is a crucial step to ensure a smooth and successful transaction. It protects both parties` interests and ensures that everyone understands and agrees to the terms and conditions of the sale. By using the example Agreement of Sale above, you can create a legally binding document that meets your needs.

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