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Psd 70 Collective Agreement

The PSD 70 Collective Agreement: Key Points to Know

The PSD 70 Collective Agreement is a vital document for employees of Parkland School Division No. 70 (PSD 70). This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for PSD 70 workers, including teachers, support staff, and other employees. If you work for PSD 70 or are considering employment with the division, it is essential to understand the key points of this collective agreement.

What is a Collective Agreement?

A collective agreement is a legally binding agreement between an employer and a union representing its employees. The agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment, including wages, benefits, hours of work, and other provisions that affect the employment relationship. In the case of PSD 70, the Parkland Teachers` Local No. 10 (PTL) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 424 are the unions representing PSD 70 employees covered by the collective agreement.

Key Points of the PSD 70 Collective Agreement

The PSD 70 Collective Agreement covers a wide range of employment topics. Below are some of the essential points that you should know:

Salary: The collective agreement outlines the salary scales for each employee group covered by the agreement. The salary scales are based on years of experience and education levels, and they are negotiated between the union and the employer.

Benefits: The agreement sets out the benefits available to employees, including health and dental benefits, life insurance, and disability benefits. The employer and union negotiate the level of coverage and any changes to the benefit plan.

Vacation: The agreement outlines the vacation entitlement for employees based on their years of service. The vacation entitlement ranges from two to six weeks per year depending on the employee`s length of service.

Hours of Work: The agreement sets out the standard workweek and the number of hours per day that employees are expected to work. It also outlines the rules regarding overtime, including the rate of pay for overtime work.

Job Security: The collective agreement outlines the job security provisions for employees. It provides for notice and severance pay in cases of layoff or termination and outlines the process for resolving disputes related to job security.

Professional Development: The collective agreement includes provisions for professional development for employees. It outlines the opportunities for training and development offered by the employer and outlines the process for accessing these opportunities.


The PSD 70 Collective Agreement is a critical document for employees of Parkland School Division No. 70. It covers a wide range of employment topics, including salary, benefits, vacation, hours of work, job security, and professional development. As an employee of PSD 70, it is essential to understand these key points and to work with your union and employer to ensure that your rights are protected under the agreement.

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