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Stockport Homes End of Tenancy Agreement

Stockport Homes End of Tenancy Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to moving out of your Stockport Homes property, there are a few things you need to keep in mind in regards to the end of tenancy agreement. This document outlines what is expected of you as a tenant in terms of cleaning, damages, and other responsibilities. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at the Stockport Homes end of tenancy agreement and what it entails.

First and foremost, it`s important to note that the end of tenancy agreement is a legal document. As such, it`s important to read through it thoroughly to ensure you understand your obligations. If you have any questions or concerns, don`t hesitate to speak to your landlord or Stockport Homes directly.


One of the main responsibilities outlined in the end of tenancy agreement is cleaning. As a tenant, you are expected to leave the property in a clean and tidy condition. This means cleaning all rooms, including the kitchen and bathroom, and ensuring that any appliances or furnishings provided by Stockport Homes are also clean.

If you are unable to clean the property yourself, you may be able to hire a professional cleaning service. However, it`s important to keep in mind that this may come at an additional cost to you.


Another important aspect of the end of tenancy agreement is damages. As a tenant, you are responsible for any damages that occur during your tenancy. This includes both accidental and intentional damages.

It`s important to report any damages to Stockport Homes as soon as possible. If you fail to do so, you may be liable for the cost of repairing the damages yourself.


When you first move into your Stockport Homes property, you will be provided with an inventory. This document outlines all of the items included in the property, such as furnishings and appliances. It`s important to review this inventory carefully to ensure everything is accurate.

When you move out, Stockport Homes will compare the inventory to the current state of the property. If any items are missing or damaged, you may be liable for the cost of repairing or replacing them.

Final Inspection

Before you move out of your Stockport Homes property, a final inspection will be conducted. This inspection will determine whether or not the property is in an acceptable condition for the next tenant.

If any issues are found during the final inspection, you may be asked to address them before you can receive your deposit back. It`s important to keep in mind that your deposit may be used to cover any damages or cleaning costs if necessary.

In conclusion, the Stockport Homes end of tenancy agreement outlines your responsibilities as a tenant when it comes to cleaning, damages, and other aspects of moving out. By understanding your obligations and following them carefully, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free transition out of your Stockport Homes property.

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